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Frequently Asked Questions About Masters Degrees in Nursing

NurseWho needs a masters degree in nursing?

Depending on one's level of education, there are a wide variety of different fields a nurse can work in. Some types of nursing, specifically those that require advanced skills and expertise, require more advanced degrees. Specifically, a nursing masters degree will enable someone who may or may not have previous nursing experience to break into the field, or advance their career and pay scale. Advanced practice nurses; such as clinical nurse specialists, nurse anesthetists, nurse-midwives, and nurse practitioners must have their master's degree in nursing.

What are the different types of degrees in this field?

There are a wide variety of specializations available to students who are interested in obtaining their MSN degree. Additionally, there are several programs that allow students with a background already in health to accelerate their progress like RN to MSN and BSN to MSN programs.

MSN Degree Specializations

BSN to MSN Degree Specializations

RN to MSN Degree Specializations

MSN Dual Degree Specializations

What is the average salary of someone with a Masters in Nursing?

Demand for nurses is on the rise, and so anyone with a nursing degree can command a very competitive salary. However, persons who have advanced degrees in nursing will be able to command higher salaries than those who have less education. While an RN will typically have an average yearly salary of $55,000, someone who has an advanced nursing degree (such as an MSN) can expect to see their wages increase to the range of $60,000 to $90,000 yearly. Some can even make more depending on their area of expertise and the healthcare organization they are employed by. Click to get More info about masters in nursing average salaries.

What schools offer Masters in Nursing degrees?

Many different schools currently offer masters degrees in nursing. Some of these schools are traditional brick and mortar institutions while others offer degrees online. Tuition and fees vary amongst schools, and many institutions offer different specializations for an MSN degree:

  • University of Phoenix: The University of Phoenix offers several different degree options for MSN students. Students can pursue an MSN with specializations in Nursing, Health Education, Informatics, Health Administration, and Healthcare Management.
  • University of Cincinnati: Becoming a Bearcat is a great decision if one is interested in pursuing a Master of Science in Nursing degree. Students can specialize in a variety of areas including Clinical nursing, Adult Nursing, Nurse Midwifery, and more.
  • Walden University: Walden University offers highly competitive degree programs for nursing masters degrees. Students can obtain a comprehensive MS in Nursing, or they can get an MSN with specializations in Informatics, Education, or Leadership.
  • Grand Canyon University: This accredited institution offers a variety of degree options for prospective nursing students. Students can elect to get a dual degree (getting an MSN and MBA), or getting an MSN with specializations in either Nurse Education or Nurse Leadership.
  • Ball State University: The alma mater of David Letterman is located in Indiana, and has a well respected school of nursing. Students can benefit from a master's in nursing program that Ball State provides online.
  • Johns Hopkins University: Considered by many to be one of the top nursing schools in the country, Johns Hopkins offers a highly competitive, and extremely rewarding Master of Science in Nursing (MSN) degree program. The MSN program requires a minimum of 18-24 months of full time study in order to obtain the degree.
  • Yale University: This historic Ivy League institution offers an excellent Masters in Nursing program through the Yale University School of Nursing. Students can specialize in a variety of areas including, clinical specialties, adult advanced practice nursing, nurse-midwifery, and more.
  • The University of Central Florida: UCF has been offering students highly competitive and valuable degree programs for many years. Students can enroll in their college of nursing in order to pursue a master's degree in nursing. This program will generally take around two years to complete and will prepare students to obtain well-paying nursing jobs in a variety of health care settings.
  • Union University: This Christ-centered, people-focused university functions to provide students with a high quality education. Interested persons can elect to enroll in a Masters of Science in Nursing degree that has several different tracks including education, administration, nurse anesthesia, family nurse practitioner, and more.
  • The University of Illinois at Chicago: UIC has a plethora of highly regarded nursing programs. These programs include a BSN program, an RN to BSN program, a PhD program, and more.

What kinds of financial aid are available for schools offering master's in nursing degrees?

If one is able to demonstrate appropriate need, then financial aid options are always available. To that end, everyone should always fill out a FAFSA. Additionally, there are many other scholarships and grants that prospective nursing students can apply for. Some of these scholarships include the Lambda Pi Alpha Sorority Scholarship, The MidAtlantic Cardiovascular Foundation Nursing Scholarship, the Providence Saint John Foundation Health Care Scholarship, the 2010 A Nurse I Am Scholarship, The Medial Professionals of Tomorrow Scholarship, and many more. The best way to find out more about financial aid options is to search for nursing scholarships and grants online.

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